Easy Access to What Really Matters

Student residences and dormitories stand out for their high turnover rate, combined with small living units that often share common areas and resources. Keeping track of such dynamics can be challenging. Heynabo! offers a range of tools that make everyday life happier for both landlords and residents.

Benefits for student housing and dorms

Simple handling of Operations

Tenants can quickly report faults or defects and you get an overview.

Measure what matters

Send questionnaires, satisfaction surveys and polls.

Quicker on-boarding

Make sure new residents get the information they need. Get them off to a good start, both practically and culturally.

Stronger community = Loyal residents

Strengthen your social community through activities, groups and matchmaking.

Access to booking

Let residents book rooms, services and shared resources. Get an overview of whether to build another sauna.

Fast communication on the resident's terms

Chat, Notices, Injunctions. All in the resident's pocket.

Important Messages

Sometimes there are messages that are extra important. It could be regulations, information about the property's operations or infrastructure, or messages from the administrator, caretaker, or board. By using our Operations Center, important messages can be displayed on the bulletin board, and residents can be asked to confirm that they have received the message.

More about operations

Handle Payments

Let us handle your payments - whether through credit cards or resident accounts. You have the option to set the booking price, deposit, and cleaning fee. The system also supports differentiated pricing based on user type or the purpose of the booking.

More about Payments

Are you making the right moves?

Harness the power of Heynabo! for voting and supercharge resident democracy. Let neighbors prioritize new initiatives or even suggest improvements themselves. We'll even provide a budget that gets released when an idea gets the green light.


Prøv det

Du kan teste Heynabo! med en lille gruppe naboer, for at se hvad jeres behov er.

I 12 måneder
  • Alle features
  • Maksimalt 5 husstande
  • Maksimalt 12 måneder
  • Ingen annoncer og 100% privat

Alt hvad du behøver til det moderne nabofællesskab.

kr. 200
+ kr. 5 pr. adresse
  • Opslagstavle
  • Adressebog
  • Chat og gruppechat
  • Events / kalender
  • Grupper
  • Booking og deling
  • Filbibliotek og fotoalbums
  • Finans (beboerregnskab)

Yderligere funktioner der understøtter administrator og bestyrelse.

kr. 600
+ kr. 6 pr. adresse
Alt i Social, plus...
  • Alt i Social, plus
  • Driftscenter med indberetninger, påbud, og vigtige kontakter
  • Fakturering og betaling
  • Spørgeskemaer

Til større kunder eller ejendomsudviklere, tilbyder vi yderligere fordele.

Alt i Pro, plus...
  • Personlig (direkte) kontaktperson hos Heynabo!
  • Mulighed for flere fællesskaber
Tilbud til medlemmer

Er du medlem af Bofællesskab.dk? Så kan du spare op til 85% på Heynabo! til en fast, lav pris.

Vil du prøve?

Vi vil gerne vise dig Heynabo! Enten kan du booke et møde med Marie eller Martin, eller også kan du få adgang til en demo som du selv kan teste.

Book en online demo (1:1)