Unite Your Association.
There are usually two reasons why an association chooses Heynabo! The first is practical: to make it easier for the board to do their job. The second is social: Heynabo! helps you create a sense of community where everyone feels involved, takes initiative, and loves where they live together.
Benefits for Your Association
Heynabo! for associations offers a number of benefits for residents, board members and administrators alike.
1. Easy and Effective Communication
Heynabo! makes it easier for the board and residents to communicate with each other. Whether it's through messages, bulletin boards, or newsletters, we've got you covered. Our resident app also allows for more flexible arrangements of meetings and polls compared to traditional methods.
2. Happy Neighbours - Less Conflicts
Heynabo! grants residents access to information and resources that can help them feel more connected to the community in the association. For example, it provides them with a calendar of upcoming events and the opportunity to sign up for communal activities. It also allows them to join groups, empowering them to take initiative and drive change within the association.
3. Smarter Operations
In Heynabo!, residents can report and follow up on operational issues and other tasks that the board or administrator needs to handle. This helps ensure that tasks are resolved quickly and efficiently.
4. Organised Documents and Information
Heynabo! can help reduce the amount of paperwork in the homeowners' association as many tasks can be handled electronically. This saves time and reduces costs associated with traditional methods. Our file library is flexible and structured in a way that allows residents to find the information they need without disturbing the board or administrator.
5. More Sharing
Heynabo! provides access to bookings, allowing your association to share resources such as guest rooms or cars. And if there's a need to charge fees for their usage, Heynabo! can also assist with that.
Du kan teste Heynabo! med en lille gruppe naboer, for at se hvad jeres behov er.
- Alle features
- Maksimalt 5 husstande
- Maksimalt 12 måneder
- Ingen annoncer og 100% privat
Alt hvad du behøver til det moderne nabofællesskab.
- Opslagstavle
- Adressebog
- Chat og gruppechat
- Events / kalender
- Grupper
- Booking og deling
- Filbibliotek og fotoalbums
- Finans (beboerregnskab)
Yderligere funktioner der understøtter administrator og bestyrelse.
- Alt i Social, plus
- Driftscenter med indberetninger, påbud, og vigtige kontakter
- Fakturering og betaling
- Spørgeskemaer
Til større kunder eller ejendomsudviklere, tilbyder vi yderligere fordele.
- Personlig (direkte) kontaktperson hos Heynabo!
- Mulighed for flere fællesskaber
Vil du prøve?
Vi vil gerne vise dig Heynabo! Enten kan du booke et møde med Marie eller Martin, eller også kan du få adgang til en demo som du selv kan teste.