Make you stuff, ameneties, or services available to all residents. Easily book guest rooms, desks, laundry times, shared cars, parking spaces, tools, the sauna, or your community hot air balloon. View availability, access user manuals, and collect payments hassle-free.
Calendar or time slots?
Quickly create new booking items. Heynabo! supports multiple different interfaces depending on the type of booking you would like to offer.
Receive Payments
Let us handle your payments - whether through credit cards or our Resident Ledger. You have the option to set the booking price, deposit, and cleaning fee. The system also supports differentiated pricing based on user type or the purpose of the booking.
More about paymentsAdjustable Availability
Don’t want the chainsaw be available at 6:30 AM on Sunday morning? You can easily adjust the time window in which the resource should be available. You can even set it to be bookable only for specific residents or group members. And if it needs to be taken out of service - for example, during maintenance - this can be done in a jiffy.
A Clearer Overview
As an administrator, you gain a comprehensive overview of all community bookings. Additionally, if you utilize our Operations Center, you can also manage error reports.
Mere om DriftscenterKommer snart!
Heynabo! opdateres ca. hver 14 dag baseret på input fra jer: vores brugere. Nogle gange er det en ny feature, andre gange er det mindre forbedringer. Du kan altid komme med dine ønsker (eller stemme på andres) via vores pipeline.
Se vores seneste opdateringerComing soon to Bookings:
External bookings
Make booking items available to your neighbourhood or guests.
Advanced roles
Make tenants or groups responsible for specific items.
More rules
For example: Booking inquiries and multi-ressource bookings
Vil du prøve?
Vi vil gerne vise dig Heynabo! Enten kan du booke et møde med Marie eller Martin, eller også kan du få adgang til en demo som du selv kan teste.