
It's the go-to hub where you can discover who's who and where they reside. Need to reach out to someone? No problem! You'll find their contact details right there, ready to save the day. And hey, if you're in need of a helping hand, just give a shout-out.

You decide what you share

Strut your stuff on your very own profile page. Feeling sociable? You can drop in your phone number, email address, and birthday, but fear not! You're the master of your own privacy settings, so you decide what stays hidden and what gets to shine in the limelight.

Family based logic

Take a stroll through the profiles for a personal introduction, or browse the Address Book by households for a neighborhood-wide scoop. But wait, there's more! Even if someone prefers to keep their identity a mystery, you can still connect with them through Heynabo!'s trusty chat feature.

Mere om Chat

Your own map

Lists can be a snooze fest. That's why we've mapped out your neighbors on an interactive map. In our Manager tool, you can set up and customize the addresses to perfectly reflect reality. Create a unique map that captures the spirit of your neighborhood.

Kommer snart!

Heynabo! opdateres ca. hver 14 dag baseret på input fra jer: vores brugere. Nogle gange er det en ny feature, andre gange er det mindre forbedringer. Du kan altid komme med dine ønsker (eller stemme på andres) via vores pipeline.

Se vores seneste opdateringer

Coming soon to Contacts:


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Nødkontakt (ICE-nummer)

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