How to get a demo

1. Pick a time in the calendar below
2. We’ll send you an e-mail with an invite
3. Press the link, and we’ll share our screen with you.

Pick a time

See the calendar for available times:

Would you rather fool around alone?

You can do that too. We'd prefer to talk to you first, but if you'd rather we just send you the login details for a demo, fill out the form and we'll get back to you within 48 hours.

Other ways to get in touch


Giv os et kald. Hvis vi ikke tager telefonen er det fordi vi sidder i møde eller er ude af huset.

Vi er her mellem kl. 9 og 16

7199 9812

Send os en mail. Vi forsøger at svare indenfor 48 timer.


Virtuelt supportmøde hvor vi deler skærm med dig.